
Vicario Productions Graphics

Logo designs for Vicario Productions, a radio production company. Here is the corporate logo and the logos and layout treatments for three radio shows:

cdimatteo vicario logo

Corporate logo for Vicario Productions, a radio production company.

cdimatteo california wine country logo

Design of logo and imaging for “California Wine Country with Steve Jaxon,” a one-hour per week radio show and podcast about fine wine.


Design of logo and imaging for “Brew Ha Ha with Steve Jaxon,” a one-hour weekly radio show about craft beer.

cdimatteo graphics swingin

Design of logo for a weekly music-intensive radio show.

 Galileo Podcast

Design of logo, app icon and type treatments, copywriting and layouts for a podcast production in development, about popular astronomy:

galileo sky

graphics galileo sky

graphics galileo tall

Type Treatments for Radio Shows


An illustration of a popular Italian song of the 1950s, called Papaveri or “Poppies” in English. These are European poppies, which are red, unlike California poppies which are orange.
